Eric and Jen Opland have spent the last 13 years serving on the foreign mission field in Mexico & South America. Before serving in overseas missions, Eric worked for 10 years as the orientation director and site manager at a boys drug and alcohol treatment center; during his 10 years at the treatment center both Eric and Jen lived and worked on campus as houseparents and mentors for 2 years. The Oplands have 5 children; the 2 younger ones are still living at home.
Eric and Jen have known about Tanalian Bible Camp for many years through a church in North Idaho. Through prayer and seeking the Lord’s direction, Eric and Jen have joined the staff at TBC. Eric will be serving as the Tanalian Leadership Center Vocational Director; along with mentoring and discipleship, Eric will be working side by side with the students to equip them with entry-level job skills. Jen will assist in a supportive roll for the TLC program. They both have a desire to bring hope and make Christ known in Southwest Alaska.