Since 1963, Tanalian Bible Camp has existed to build up the Body of Christ in rural Alaska by providing evangelism, discipleship, fellowship and leadership development through camps, conferences and Biblical mentoring.
Our Mission

Our Challenge
Remote Alaska is filled with wonder and beauty that inspires awe and adventure. Like many places, alcohol, abuse and drugs, can smother hope and negatively impact a community. The isolation of the villages can also limit access to resources. Youth need hope for their future, but it is hard for them to dream when pain and brokenness keep life in survival mode. So many in the world are without hope and without God.

Our Foundation
We are founded on the Word of God and believe it has the power to transform lives. We are committed to create a culture that fosters faith, protection, creativity, fun and friendship. We purpose to love and serve Alaskans by being a gathering place that encourages connections and community, developing unity in the Body of Christ.

Our Goals
Our goal is to see the ripple effect of one life impacting a family, changing a community, and transforming a generation. Our desire is to have every child in Southwest Alaska have the opportunity to experience the hope of Christ through our programs. We aim to bring Biblical mentoring and equip young adults with practical skills necessary to live productive lives in rural Alaska.
Our Impact
More than 500 Alaskans are directly impacted across 31 villages and communities each year through Tanalian Bible Camp. Biblical truth brings hope, love ensures value, community invites belonging, friendships inspire joy, safety allows for rest and Jesus transforms a life during a Tanalian Bible Camp experience. Our impact is beyond our measure when we entrust Jesus Christ to move a heart to trust in Him.
Our Legacy
Tanalian Bible Camp has impacted generations of families in Southwest Alaska for more than 50 years. We desire to honor the rich heritage of the Native Alaskans whom we serve. We are known as a place where love and safety are experienced and thus, families know their youth will have a brighter through an experience at Tanalian.